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31DC2013 Day 27; Jackson Pollock inspired splatter nail art

This was the only part of this challenge I had an idea on what to do before I entered this challenge; the prompt is inspired by artwork. And as I said I knew what I wanted to do and that was Jackson Pollock (even though he's not my favorite artist), mainly because I've been wanting to try the splatter technique which is using a straw to create a random splatter pattern by blowing polish onto the nails.  It was actually less messy and easier than I thought. I chose one of his paintings and fell for one called Autumn Rhythm because of it's color scheme where the base is beige kinda looking and the the splatter is in white and black. Here you go;


Polishes used:
Kleancolor - Sheer Pastel Cocoa
Nordic Cap - NP13 (white)
Nordic Cap - NP12 (black)

Have you tried this technique? Do you like it or is it too messy for your taste?

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