Tyga just released the music video for his "100s" Feat. Chief Keef & A.E.! He also just released two new singles: "Act Ghetto" Feat. Lil' Wayne & "100s" Feat. Chief Keef & A.E.! He recently released "Gucci Snakes" single feat Desiigner, "Feel Me" Feat. Kanye West and the music video for his latest "Cash Money" single! The rapper also recently released his street-confessional "$ervin Dat Raww" track! He also just recently released his raw & emotional "I $mile, I Cry" music video! The rapper also recently released his collaborative "Baller Alert" single featuring Rick Ross & 2 Chainz! He also recently released the music video for his latest "Dope'd Up" single! The Michael Jackson "Thriller" inspired/Texas Chainsaw Massacre/horror movie visual also stars his Tyga's girlfriend Kylie Jenner! All three singles are lifted from his current Rawwest Nigga Alive mixtape album which was released back in mid-December 2015! The rapper also recently released the music videos for his singles "Ice Cream" "Scandal" and "Rap $tar!" These tracks were lifted from his new Fuk Wat They Talkin' Bout mixtape album which was released on August 24th! Tyga also recently released his new "Bu$$in Out Da Bag" music video! He previously released his "Master $uite" single & music video for his "Don't C Me Comin" single featuring A.E. and the music video for his new track "40 Mill!" The rapper also previously released his visual for recent "Make It Work" single! Tyga released is collaborative Fan of a Fan: The Album album w/Chris Brown (2015), The Gold Album: 18th Dynasty (2015), Hotel California (2013), Careless World: Rise of the Last King (2012) and his debut studio No Introduction album in 2008!
VIDEO: Tyga's "100s" Feat. Chief Keef & A.E.!

#Tyga #100s #ChiefKeef #A.E. #newmusicvideo #ActGhetto #LilWayne #twonewsingles #GucciSnakes #Desiigner #newmusicvideo #CashMoney #newmusicvideo #$ervinDatRaww #newmusicvideo #I$mile,ICry #newmusicvideo #BallerAlert #RickRoss #2Chainz #newsingle #Dope'dUp #newmusicvideo #KylieJenner #MichaelJackson #Thriller #Halloween #RawwestNiggaAlivemixtape #IceCreamMan #Scandal #newmusicvideo #Rap$tar #FukWatTheyTalkinBout #mixtape #BussinOutDaBag #newsingle #DontCMeComin #A.E. #newmusicvideo #40Mill #newmusicvideo #MakeItWork #newmusic #Hip-Hop #rappers #buzzfeed #musicartists
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