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Polish Review

Sally Hansen Sugar Coat and Primark Polish

Hey all, as promised on my facebook page yesterday I'm doing something I don't normally do, a Sunday post!! Those of you that have been following me know that I always do my nails on a Saturday, although just recently I have been doing mid weekly manicures. Yesterday however I had a horrid day painting my nails! Painted them 3 times and as I'm too self critical I didn't really like any of them. So that's why I'm doing this swatch and review of these polishes today. So lets start..
I got a pack of four 6ml polish from Primark for £2. They had a few with different colours, I did like the neon ones but as my daughter had already treated me to the Revlon neon's from Poundland I chose a different set. Then in Poundland I got the only colours they had of the Sally Hansen Sugar Coat. I have been umming and erring over these and gave in, as this will be my last nail polish buy for a while.

Pink and blue are two of my favourite nail polish colours, so the four from Primark had me as soon as I saw them! 

This is the lightest pink, sadly these have no names, but I would describe this as a rose pink. A very pretty colour. The brushes seemed to big for the size of the bottle, but the application was ok. I had heard that some Primark polishes stink, but I didn't really notice any overly powering smell. Drying time isn't bad with these polishes. This one is definitely a two coater, and needed a topcoat to even it out.

this is the darker pink of the two. Very bright almost neon fuchsia looking, this was a better pink to apply, no topcoat in these photos,  and a better coverage. Drying time good again.

This one is an awesome baby blue, like the lightest pink it needed a topcoat to even it out, but still a lovely polish, and an oversized brush again and good application. Drying time like the others.

The last of the four polishes a darker blue, bright and bold in colour. The brush on this one had fanned out, but I still found it ok to paint my nails. I have a feeling this one could be a nail stainer. I'll keep you posted on that one. No topcoat in the photo's and drying time the same as above.
I like the four of them, and for the price they are good even for just 6ml bottles. 

The Sally Hansen Sugar Coat is as in the name, to make it look like you have sugar on your nails. They looked to textures for me that's why I left it right till the last moment before I bought them. These are the four I got.

Nice to apply, I did notice a slight smell, but nothing overpowering. Drying time was fast-ish, and coverage with one coat was good for the red and black. The green and yellow would definitely need two coats. All are two coats in these photos. The textured feel is sort of rough, but not too bad. I'm not a fan of over textured polish, but glad I got these, and for the price too :) Can see some good nail art design with these four colours, and will be trying them out soon. 
One last polish was another Jess in neon yellow called Go getter. The is one awesome and super super in your face colour! But application was horrid. Three coats and still not perfect. Have a look yourselves and let me no what you think, on this or any of the polishes in the post. 
I'll be back again tomorrow with another manicure, and fingers crossed that I like it lol, till then stay safe and much love ....

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