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more new sets for Etsy!

I've been on a roll since I got my latest shipment of sets of nails! These two are my most recent additions to my shop.

First up a pretty floral design on a deep navy blue background with little white dots. This was actually inspired by a shirt I bought recently!

And then a really bright, happy looking one - a rainbow made up of all dots. This one is so bright it makes me smile!

Thanks for taking a look! Check out the rest of my work in my shop! I'm very excited because I just recently hit a couple of milestones there - my first occurence of two seperate sales in the same week, and the second one marked my 10th sale! So extremely exciting! It's really gratifying to be able to do something I really enjoy and have other people be interested enough in it to want to purchase it for themselves! So a big thanks to all my customers, past and future!

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