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Afternoon Tea Adventures - The Hilton Green Park Afternoon Tea in Mayfair

Hello there lovely readers!

My darling pal Jene from NYC visited our side of the pond last year which gave me all the happy vibes! I have so much love for this girl whom I randomly met on a train around 4 years ago & now count as one of my top chums despite the distance. Anyhoos after discovering that her lovely travelling companion Tracy had NEVER been to an afternoon tea before...well...I was more than happy to rectify this!

I decided to take them to The Hilton Green Park Hotel which is in the heart of Mayfair. I found this one on the website afternoontea.co.uk which is ALWAYS my main go to for hunting down good afternoon teas. This website is fantastic as you can search for ones nearby to you & around London as well as being able to book online.

source: google images

Upon arrival we were immediately taken to the lounge & our table which we were lucky enough to be able to choose ourselves, we opted to sit by the window so we could partake in some people watching naturally ;) Before I continue I really have to mention in particular how wonderful the staff were at the Hilton, SO lovely & friendly, they made us feel incredibly welcome, showing a genuine interest in my friends trip & inquiring how they were enjoying it so far.

After being seated & conversing for a little bit with our lovely waitress, she then unveiled a pretty looking vintage box containing 12 different loose teas for us to pick from & informed us that we could try as many different ones as we liked. There was a nice selection of black, white and green teas to choose from, we opted for a nice rich Assam to start. 

source: google images
We had noticed when we sat down a quaint little contraption on the table containing three small hourglasses each filled with a different colour sand, white, black & green. After umming & aahing amongst ourselves pondering what on earth this was for, the waitress kindly took pity & enlightened us that each hourglass was a timer for how long your tea is to be brewed before drinking, each one depending on which tea you opt for, green, white or black.

Our tea arrived in very interestingly designed pots, (yes I get excited about teapots!) The tea is held in a strainer to brew, once the waitress placed our pots down, we were then asked to tip our hourglass to begin the brewing time. Once the black sand has trickled through, you can then lift up the strainer using the knob at the top of the teapot which is attached to it & your tea is ready to drink! I love it when places add their own unique stamp to an afternoon tea & The Hilton definitely achieved that!

Now on to the main point of course, the food! Both Jene & Tracy are vegetarians so we had a completely meat free selection of sandwiches & I was impressed with the variety which included offerings such as roasted vegetables & feta cheese proving that vege options can just as good if not better! The accompanying scones were delightful with their partners in crime, clotted cream & jam. Finally the selection of pastries & desserts was lovely mix including a classic Victoria sponge, sweet fruit tart, chocolate brownies & elderflower jelly. Simple yet so satisfying! 

Throughout our tea, our waitress was wonderfully attentive, offering re-fills of both tea & refreshments & we still had some pastries left over which she kindly offered to box up for us to take away. Overall the experience at the Hilton was really special with my friends even stating that it was the highlight of their entire trip. The Hilton Green Park afternoon tea is priced at just £27.50 per person, which is an extremely reasonable price for such a great quality afternoon tea so I highly recommend it!

Hope you enjoyed reading lovelies! You can check out all my other afternoon tea reviews so far HERE. Till next time!

Lotsa love to ya!

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