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Take on Change

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination!”


About 2 years ago I made a decision to start this blog.  Since then I have found out how many things I actually didn’t know about social media, writing a blog, WordPress, and many, many more things.  But the good news about finding out what you don’t know is that you can then learn from it.  I am a long way from being a professional but I have definitely found some things that work and the main thing, I am thoroughly enjoying my journey.

I started my blog because I realized that I needed some positivity in my life at a time when it was seriously lacking.  I was in a deep, dark, negative hole and for some reason I was having a hard time pulling myself out.  As I have written about fashion, travel, my family, finding joy in your journey and many other things, a funny thing has happened…my life has completely turned around.  I am in the place I want to be now, and I am definitely attracting more positive things into my life.

I have found that the more intentional I get about what I want to accomplish, the more I focus my energies there, the more likely I am to achieve what I want and need in my life.

There is no easy, quick fix, it all requires consistent effort, focus and positivity, and even more importantly it requires you to have someone in your life that will hold you accountable when you are not being nice to yourself or allowing yourself grace.



I had an emotional weekend – not sure if it was jet lag, changes happening in my life, or just that time of the month.  As I was going through this I realized that I have a lot of people in my life that love me and are rooting for me…I have a husband that teaches me something every day – he helps me to focus on the good in me, and stop beating myself up for when I can’t control everything and make it perfect.  He loves me more than I ever thought possible, and because we work on ourselves together, we are making our relationship rock solid.  I have friends that love me and I feel blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.

One thing I have realized is that I love change, I actually love to mix things up (even just simple things that rearranging furniture or driving a different way home).  Change for me is the opportunity to challenge myself, to prevent from becoming bored, and most importantly, for me to be able to grow and make myself better as a person.  Change is definitely something that takes you out of your comfort zone but in a good way.  It allows you to expand that comfort zone and take on new challenges that eventually just end up being routine things that are easy to handle.

Starting today – I am ready to adjust the sails of my life and see which direction my life takes me…

What’s in store for you this week?

Shop this cute Red and Black, not forgetting the fabulous shoes by clicking the links below…


from StyleQueenie.com https://ift.tt/2NSA7UF

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