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OPINION : Gay Marriage and why knowing our activist and political history is important

Despite being predominately a fashion and beauty blog, I think we have covered some pretty heavy topics here. We talk a lot about feminism, ethical shopping and discuss various hardcore topics.

I came across this today from a friend on facebook and it really got me thinking. This site, as it is run by an LGBT person, is LGBT friendly and focused. I have written and promoted a lot of things which are connected to the scene and what is going on around Dublin.

I've been watching a lot of Ru Paul lately as well and it's really got me thinking about it. There wasn't always the freedom for LGBT persons to be so out and in the public eye. It really has been a struggle over years to get that freedom and even now, there are still areas in which we are not totally accepted. Many countries have strong penalties, imprisonment and death penalties for being out and there is also the fact that many countries STILL do not allow gay marriage which is a statement against equality in my eyes.

We are facing into a historical moment for LGBT persons in Ireland at the minute. The government has announced we will finally get the moment for a referendum on gay marriage in Ireland. A moment which will change the lives of gay couples and also singles across the country. I have always said, as a bisexual woman, I will not get married in Ireland until everyone has the right to do it. I, as a, Bi woman can fall in love and marry a man there but cannot fall in love and marry a woman. Who says that my relationship with a woman is worth any less the relationship with the man? It's a statement by our government which says, hey, it's not a real relationship and we don't recognise you guys as being an equal person and we wont protect you by law. Civil partnership goes halfway and doesn't provide full legal protection and equal status. Until everyone is equal and everyone has the right to get married then I wont be marrying either man or woman in my own country. Which is a shame because my mother needs an excuse to buy a new hat.

She might get it yet because 73% of the population are said to be in favor of gay marriage in Ireland.

England passed last year and it was great. There are certain states in America that will and wont. So England will accept me but Ireland wont? Great.We have had positive moments in Ireland concerning gay history and gay rights - after all, homosexuality was decriminalised in 1993. Yeah, it took until 1993 for that to happen. To put that into context a little, it was the 1960s for the UK. We were a small bit behind on that one. The community fought since the 1970s on that change and two words about that - David Norris. Enough said. 

Anyway, this rant about LGBT issues has a purpose. We would do well to remember and acknowledge, as a community, things like Paris is Burning and Stonewall. Stonewall was when the LGBT community members in a bar fought back against the police who would enter the bar to beat up and extort gay customers. A riot ensued and it became a defining moment in LGBT history. (read more about it here)

Paris is burning is a documentary about the drag balls (on which Drag Race is based) in New York which showed a lot of heart and history of the movement. Catagory is? Executive Realness hunny!

There are so many different LGBT moments both past and in our lifetimes that serve to add to our history. I will hopefully be proud when Ireland makes the decision to allow gay marriage. In fact, I plan to go back home for it. I want to be there. I've taken part in Noise rallies to protest the lack of gay marriage in the past when I lived in Dublin and I really want to be there.

So, what was meant to be a massive rant about LGBT history has actually become quite long and filled with activist speech! oooops! Oh well, we are here now, we might as well continue!

The photos from the 'The Gay Essay' which can be seen in more detail here, is what started this off! hahahahha! The photos capture the era following the Stonewall Riots in 1969. Take a second to have a look, its worth it. Then download Paris is Burning and watch that. Knowing our history is about appreciating how far we have come and also, the freedom that we now have to be ourselves and let our freak flags fly!

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