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Marcus T. Polk Charged With Domestic Violence

Back in August, actor Marcus T. Polk was involved in a huge domestic violence squabble that ended up with his rapper girlfriend, Andi Roxx being kicked in the stomach and admitted to the hospital. It's reported that is all started at a club in Beverly Hills called Confidential. Andi alleges a verbal argument started because Macus was on aome "You're not paying enough attention to me," type behavior. Once they got home, Andi said the verbal fight escalated and Marcus punched her in the chin. She admits she threw some punches herself and split his lip, but Marcus retaliated by kicking her in the stomach and telling her to pack her ish and get out. Andi ended up in the hospital the following morning.
Now, Marcus has been charged with domestic violence and battery. And he faces up to 4 years in prison. Wow...this makes me think of the period in Moesha when he ran away from home cuz Moe moved out and he started acting out....Acting Meets Reality..

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