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happy holidays &

I hope you are having an enjoyable holiday. It's a special time of year, and I am feeling grateful for the opportunity to be with family and friends and to reflect on the past year and the future.

To that end, as I sit here putting the finishing touches on Lucky's March issue cover story, I am thinking about some big news I have to share with you: I am leaving Lucky at the end of the year to pursue LE CATCH full-time! It's exciting, but a little scary too, as this will be the first time in my career that I will be 100% entrepreneuring on my own and not working for a magazine.

I will truly miss Lucky and my colleagues there and am so grateful for having had the opportunity to work with so many great people (Editors Kim and Brandon and so many more) from Lucky's founding to the present. The magazine was an innovator from the start, and its early success was a key catalyst for fashion magazines across the board (even Vogue!) transforming themselves into more accessible and shop-able publications.

LE CATCH has been an amazing experience for me, and I want to thank you for reading and supporting it. I honestly would not have the confidence to dedicate myself to it full-time without your loyal readership and your supportive emails and comments. I look forward to continuing the journey with you!


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